A story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 120-123. The story is about Coyote went hunting and took his daughter, eventually killing her. Then his daughter turns to a ghost.
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Stories
An animal story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 130-132. A story about Coyote hunting, he comes across a squirrel and the squirrel hides in her burrow with her children. The crows see everything and Coyote tries to dig up the squirrels.
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Stories
An animal story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 128-131, the story is about Coyote who is always hunting, and he is looking for something good to eat. Also the story describes why he has certain characteristics. Audio: Roscinda Nolasquez
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Stories
An animal story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 150. This story is about the linnet birds gathering materials to make their nests, then one linnet bird starts to sing a song. Audio: Roscinda Nolasquez, song starts on sentence 17-18.
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Songs and Dance, Stories
A animal story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 150. This story is about two doves, one who is working and the other who is crying. Then the working doves asks the other to stop crying and sing. Audio: Roscinda Nolasquez, Song on sentence 16.
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Stories
A animal story in Mulu'wetam on page 148-149. is about a noisy cheetmal bird that is being loud. The many other birds around her don't like her being so loud and they get mad and tell her to be quiet. Audio: Roscinda Nolasquez
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Language Learning, Stories
A animal story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page 146-147, is about swallows flying and building their nest. Then the swallows began to sing a song and another swallow started to argue about not singing the right song. Audio: Roscinda Nolasquez
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Plants and Ethnobotany, Stories
A story in Mulu'wetam: The First People on page110-111, Frances Bosley tells a story about how she and her older sister go to where the beavertails grow to collect them. They would collect beavertails eat lunch then collect more to clean and use them.
Pala Cupeño Revitalization Program, Cupa Cultural Center
Animals, Songs and Dance, Stories
A story in Mulu'wetam: The First People page 114-115. This is an animal story also known as "Bedtime Stories" about Juncoe birds singing, flying, and asking a Coyote to join them. When Coyote does, something unexpected happens.